We offer continuing education and networking events for therapeutic bodywork professionals. Join us to enrich yourself, explore new modalities, and take your practice to the next level!
To book on Vagaro, find your class date below to select on the calendar, or type your class name in the All Classes search bar
For Early Bird Codes, scroll to the bottom of this page, copy text, and book on Vagaro
Click on Class Below for the Date to Book Class @ Checkout.
Early Bird Codes Listed @ Bottom of Calendar of Classes Below.
Jan 7th, 2025
Tuition: $150
Instructors: Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-4 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
This 4-hour class focuses on techniques for alleviating stress and tension for hard-working hands with over-use conditions. The class starts with assessment and students will benefit from both, practicing the techniques, and receiving the work. Students will learn techniques that may be applied to sessions on the massage table or in a massage chair with a strong emphasis on working with good body mechanics.
Jan 14th, 2025
Tuition: $750
Early Bird: $682.50 (by Dec 14th)
Single Day Price: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-20 CEs
5-CLASS SERIES: Jan 14, Feb 11, Mar 18, Apr 8, May 13
Time: 9am – 1pm
Dojo I Dojo (道場 dōjō) is a Japanese term meaning “place of the way.” This series of 5 classes held on the third Tuesday of each month provides ample time to thoroughly practice the moves that are introduced in the Thai 101 program. This is a 5-day course offering 20 CEs.
Both Dojo classes include theory and discussion topics, including mindset and intention, Thai culture, and the rich history associated with the art of Thai massage. The demos include detailed explanations with ample time to both practice and receive the work and time for feedback before moving on. Healthy ergonomics are an important focus for both the practitioner and the receiver throughout.
Each 4 hour lesson is a stand-alone class, and can be taken individually for $150 or collectively. Participants are encouraged to attend one or more classes, but are required to complete all of the 5 lessons in order to earn 20 CEs. Dojo I includes lessons in supine, side-lying, inverted and seated positions.
PRACTICUM: Core Program Certificates require an additional 12 CE Practicum Hours.
Jan 25th-26th, 2025
Tuition: $560
Nita M. Renfrew, AADP, LMT; Reggie Ceaser, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-14 CEs
Time: 10am – 6pm
Enhance our energy and bodywork practice by learning basic CranioSacral therapy in a
Native American Way. Originated by indigenous people, it uses touch and manipulation with deep energy to
restore function and flow to the fascia and musculoskeletal system, resets the nervous system, and heals us from
trauma, physical injuries, and chronic pain. We will learn to observe; integrate smudging; call in the
directions/spirit; re-inspirit body areas; pray with song, dance, drums, rattles, and feathers; review
theory/anatomy; learn to listen to the craniosacral rhythm; balance the cerebrospinal fluid, and much more.
Note: Students should bring: a rattle, a smudging feather, sage smudge stick, a drum and a notepad.
Jan 21st, 2025
Tuition: $150
Instructors: Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-4 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
4-class SERIES: Jan 21, Mar 4, Apr 15, May 6).
Sen Kalathari is part of the Sen Series.
You can begin to know how the trajectory of this line stands
on its own and how one can make up a sequence covering
the entire body by studying this one line which covers all of
the limbs and the torso, front and back.
In this 4-part series we will explore working with the 10
primary Sen of the Thai medicine healing system. This Series
provides 16 CEs
Jan 28th, 2025
Tuition: $400
Early Bird: $364 (by Feb 25th)
Single Day Price: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-12 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
SERIES: Jan 28, Feb 25, Mar 25
The Practicum Series or Clinic provides students the opportunity to practice techniques from the DOJO or 101 Series. Each class starts with an evaluation where a treatment strategy is developed to address the issues from the student/client’s chief complaint and a tailored session is presented for students to practice
Feb 4th, 2025
Tuition: $225
Early Bird: $204.75 (by Jan 18th)
Single Day Price: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-6 CEs
Time: 9am – 12pm
SERIES: Feb 4, Feb 18
This series consists of two, 3-hour classes offering 6 CEs. On the second day, additional detailed hand massage techniques are offered and focus on balancing the posterior and anterior torso while integrating prone and seated protocols for the low-back and shoulder girdle.
Feb 8-9 OR Feb 15-16, 2025
Single Class Tuition: $560
Early BirdTuition: $450 (Registration by Jan 8
Instructor: Michael Alicia, LMT
Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm14 CE Credits
Dates: Option 1: Feb. 8-9, 2025
Option 2: Feb. 15-16, 2025
Time: 9am – 5pm
14 CE hours (NCBTMB/NYS certified)Option 1:
Date: Feb 8-9, 2025
Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Option 2:
Date: Feb 15-16, 2025
Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
14 CE hours (NCBTMB/NYS certified)
Instructor: Michael Alicia, LMT
This Introduction class is the prerequisite for taking any of the classes in the CORE Program or any of the classes in the FULL Program. Students who complete the FULL Program are eligible to sit for the Specialty Certificate Exam. The Introduction Class is designed to educate licensed massage therapists in the safe practices of Oncology Massage. Students will develop a keen appreciation and understanding of the latest concepts in cancer biology and cancer treatment.
This class will provide students with an understanding of:
the biology of cancer, its etiology, and the terminology for working with a cancer population in any setting
the risk factors for cancer
the different types of cancer
the common elements of cancer staging
cancer testing techniques and medical devices
cancer treatment goals and modalities, their side effects, concerns, and the cumulative effects of treatment
the specific considerations for lymphedema, including common side effects
HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) laws and develop strong professional and ethical practices
The practical portion of the class will include learning appropriate touch pressures for working with oncology patients, bolstering techniques for working with medical devices and the debilitating side-effects of cancer treatment, and safe practices including donning and doffing PPE and proper body mechanics.
Michael Alicia, LMT has been practicing massage since 1992 and an instructor at the Swedish Institute since 1994. His practice and teaching encompass both Eastern and Western massage techniques including Shiatsu, Thai massage, and Swedish massage in its many applications. Michael worked with Felicia Newsome starting in 2014, to create what is arguably the most comprehensive oncology massage training program in the United States. Many of the graduates of the CATA Oncology Massage Training and Specialty Certificate Program have gone on to work at Memorial Sloan Kettering, Mt. Sinai, and NYU Langone Health Hospitals. Alicia is the Executive Director of CATA and Cornerstone Oncology Massage Foundation, a not-for-profit created to provide funding for oncology massage treatment, training, and research.
Feb 11th, 2025
Tuition: $750
Early Bird: $682.50 (by Jan 11th)
Single Day Price: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-20 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
5-Class Series: Jan 14, Feb 11, Mar 18, Apr 8, May 13
Dojo I Dojo (道場 dōjō) is a Japanese term meaning “place of the way.” This series of 5 classes held on the third Tuesday of each month provides ample time to thoroughly practice the moves that are introduced in the Thai 101 program. This is a 5-day course offering 20 CEs.
Both Dojo classes include theory and discussion topics, including mindset and intention, Thai culture, and the rich history associated with the art of Thai massage. The demos include detailed explanations with ample time to both practice and receive the work and time for feedback before moving on. Healthy ergonomics are an important focus for both the practitioner and the receiver throughout.
Each 4 hour lesson is a stand-alone class, and can be taken individually for $150 or collectively. Participants are encouraged to attend one or more classes, but are required to complete all of the 5 lessons in order to earn 20 CEs. Dojo I includes lessons in supine, side-lying, inverted and seated positions.
PRACTICUM: Core Program Certificates require an additional 12 CE Practicum Hours.
Feb 18th, 2025
Tuition: $225
Early Bird: $204.75 (by Jan 18th)
Single Day Price: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-6 CEs
Time: 9am – 12pm
SERIES: Feb 4, Feb 18
This series consists of two, 3-hour classes offering 6 CEs. On the second day, additional detailed hand massage techniques are offered and focus on balancing the posterior and anterior torso while integrating prone and seated protocols for the low-back and shoulder girdle
Feb 22nd-23rd
Tuition: $560
Early Bird: $450 (by Dec 25th
Instructors: Nita M. Renfrew, AADP, LMT; Reggie Ceaser, LMT
Time: 10am-6pm
NCBTMB Approved 28 CES (14 CEs each)
Enhance our energy and bodywork practice by learning basic CranioSacral therapy in a
Native American Way. Originated by indigenous people, it uses touch and manipulation with deep energy to
restore function and flow to the fascia and musculoskeletal system, resets the nervous system, and heals us from
trauma, physical injuries, and chronic pain. We will learn to observe; integrate smudging; call in the
directions/spirit; re-inspirit body areas; pray with song, dance, drums, rattles, and feathers; review
theory/anatomy; learn to listen to the craniosacral rhythm; balance the cerebrospinal fluid, and much more.
Note: Students should bring: a rattle, a smudging feather, sage smudge stick, a drum and a notepad.
Feb 25th, 2025
Tuition: $400
Early Bird: $364 (by Jan 25th)
Single Day Price: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-12 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
SERIES: Jan 28, Feb 25, Mar 25
The Practicum Series or Clinic provides students the opportunity to practice techniques from the DOJO or 101 Series. Each class starts with an evaluation where a treatment strategy is developed to address the issues from the student/client’s chief complaint and a tailored session is presented for students to practice.
Mar 2nd, 2025
Time: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
8 CEs (NCBTMB/NY State certified)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Oncology Massage (or equivalent)
Instructors: Ericka Clinton, BS, LMT, Anna Crean Wiener, LMT
This class is designed to educate practitioners about the condition of lymphedema and how to safely work with clients at risk for lymphedema.
The lecture and discussion will include an understanding of the causes of lymphedema within oncology and other special populations, a brief description of the anatomy of the lymphatic system, classifications of common physiological changes due to lymphedema, signs and symptoms, and contraindications and precautions.
The practical portion of the class will include learning basic manual lymphatic drainage techniques, session planning, and practice. By the end of the class, the therapist will be able to perform a 1-hour session with a short MLD protocol for the person ‘at risk’ for Lymphedema.
Ericka Clinton, BS, LMT is a NY State Licensed Massage Therapist. She obtained her license in 1998 after earning a Massage Therapy Diploma from the Swedish Institute. She has been a faculty member and administrator at the Swedish Institute College of Health Sciences in New York City since 2000. As a member of the faculty, she has taught practical classes in both Western and Eastern modalities and supervised clinical internships and externships. In 2015 Ericka earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesthetic Neuroscience from Empire State College.
Mar 4th, 2025
Tuition: $150
Early Bird: $136.50 (by Feb 4th)
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-4 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
4-Class SERIES: Jan 21, Mar 4, Apr 15, May 6
Sen Itta/ Pingala is part of the Sen Series. In this 4-part series we will explore working with the 10 primary Sen (lines) of the Thai medicine healing system. Itta/Pin-gala are synonymous with the way Thai people “crawl” up the back while kneeling on the posterior legs but there is more for you to discover as well. Itta/Pin-gala are mainly concerned with the back and lower extremities. The entire Series provides 16 CEs
Mar 16, 2025
Tuition: $320
Early Bird Tuition: $250 (Registration by 2/16)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Oncology Massage or Equivalent
Time: 9am – 6pm
8 CEs (NCBTMB/NY certified)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Oncology Massage (or equivalent)
Instructor: Ericka Clinton, BS, LMT
This class is designed to introduce and discuss the impact of pharmacology on massage treatment planning. It will focus on differences in cancer biology, drug classifications, and associated side effects. The lecture will explore anti-cancer therapies, and the potential adverse events associated with them. Case studies will be integrated throughout the lecture.
The hands-on portion of the class will involve developing and enriching therapists’ intake skills regarding pharmacological considerations, including scheduling, treatment focus, and duration, as well as protocol implications. Case studies from the lecture will be used for hands-on practice. Therapists will be provided with the opportunity to strategically plan effective, safe, and therapeutic treatments.
Mar 18h, 2025
Tuition: $750
Early Bird: $682.50 (by Feb 18th)
Single Day Price: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
Michael Alicia, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-20 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
5-class Series: Jan 14, Feb, 11, Mar 18, Apr 8, May 13
Dojo I Dojo (道場 dōjō) is a Japanese term meaning “place of the way.” This series of 5 classes held on the second Tuesday of each month provides ample time to thoroughly practice the moves that are introduced in the Thai 101 program and introduce options that are not covered in the basic 101 curriculum. This is a 5-day course offering 20 CEs.
Dojo classes include theory and discussion topics, including mindset and intention, Thai culture, and the rich history associated with the art of Thai massage. The demos include detailed explanations with ample time to both practice and receive the work and time for feedback before moving on. Healthy ergonomics are an important focus for both the practitioner and the receiver throughout.
Each 4-hour lesson is a stand-alone class, and can be taken individually using our single day ticket option for $150 or collectively. Participants are encouraged to attend one or more classes, but are required to complete all of the 5 lessons in order to earn 20 CEs. Dojo I includes lessons in supine, side-lying, inverted and seated positions.
PRACTICUM: Our Core Program offers an additional 12 CE Practicum Hours which can be obtained concurrently or completed at a later time. Just bring your workbook with you and point out what you would like us to review.
Mar 25th, 2025
Tuition: $400
Early Bird: $364 (by Feb 25th)
Single Day Price: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-12 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
SERIES: Jan 28, Feb 25, Mar 25
The Practicum Series or Clinic provides students the opportunity to practice techniques from the DOJO or 101 Series. Each class starts with an evaluation where a treatment strategy is developed to address the issues from the student/client’s chief complaint and a tailored session is presented for students to practice
Apr 1st, 2025
Tuition: $112.50
Early Bird: $101.25 (by Feb 25th)
Single Day Price: $15
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-3 CEs
Time: 9am – 12pm
This 3-hour class focuses on techniques targeting the spinal column and related structures. In Thai massage, the twist is associated with ridding the body and mind from unwanted properties or influences. In this course, the student will learn Thai massage techniques performed on a mat. The class starts with an assessment and students will benefit from both, practicing the techniques in tandem with the instructor and receiving the work. Students will learn techniques with a strong emphasis on working with good body mechanics.
Apr 6, 2025
Tuition: $320
Early Bird Tuition: $250 (Registration by 3/6)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Oncology Massage or Equivalent
Time: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
8 CEs (NCBTMB/NY certified)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Oncology Massage (or equivalent)
Instructor: Michael Alicia, LMT
In this class students will assimilate the material from the Core foundational classes, Introduction to Oncology Massage, Lymphedema Awareness for the ‘At Risk’ Oncology Client and Pharmacological Considerations for Oncology Massage with the overall goal of integrating the material into a clinical setting. Students will begin learning and practicing the process of assessment for performing an oncology massage intake, including precautions, contraindications, and considerations for surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, cancer drugs and their side-effects, and risks and treatment options for patients ‘at-risk’ for lymphedema.
The practical portion of the class will include review and practicing appropriate draping, bolstering, and touch pressures for working with oncology patients, bolstering techniques for working with medical devices and the debilitating side-effects of cancer treatment, and safe practices including donning and doffing of PPE and proper body mechanics
Apr 8th, 2025
Tuition: $750
Early Bird: $682.50 (by Dec 14th)
Single Day Price: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-20 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
Dojo I Dojo (道場 dōjō) is a Japanese term meaning “place of the way.” This series of 5 classes held on the second Tuesday of each month provides ample time to thoroughly practice the moves that are introduced in the Thai 101 program and introduce options that are not covered in the basic 101 curriculum. This is a 5-day course offering 20 CEs.
Dojo classes include theory and discussion topics, including mindset and intention, Thai culture, and the rich history associated with the art of Thai massage. The demos include detailed explanations with ample time to both practice and receive the work and time for feedback before moving on. Healthy ergonomics are an important focus for both the practitioner and the receiver throughout.
Each 4-hour lesson is a stand-alone class, and can be taken individually using our single day ticket option for $150 or collectively. Participants are encouraged to attend one or more classes, but are required to complete all of the 5 lessons in order to earn 20 CEs. Dojo I includes lessons in supine, side-lying, inverted and seated positions.
PRACTICUM: Our Core Program offers an additional 12 CE Practicum Hours which can be obtained concurrently or completed at a later time. Just bring your workbook with you and point out what you would like us to review
Apr 15th 2025
Tuition: $150
Early Bird $136.50 (by Mar 15)
Series: $600
Series Early Bird: $546 (by Mar 15)
Instructor: Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-4 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
4-class Series: Jan 11, Mar 4, Apr 15, May 6
Sen Lawusang/Ulanga - Sahatarangsi/Tawari are mainly concerned with the upper body and upper extremities and is part of the Sen Series. In this 4-part series we will explore working with the 10 primary Sen of the Thai medicine healing system. This Series provides 16 CEs.
Apr 19, 2025
Tuition: $320
Early Bird Tuition: $250 (Registration by 3/19)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Oncology Massage or Equivalent
Time: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
8 CE hours (NCBTMB/NYS certified)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Oncology Massage (or equivalent)
Instructor: Ericka Clinton, BS, LMT
This class will introduce therapists to gastrointestinal cancers and the depth and breadth of the benefit of bodywork for clients with these cancers. The day will include lecture where we will identify and discuss the types of gastrointestinal cancers, standard approaches to treatment, and the physical/emotional repercussions of treatment. In addition, we will describe in detail the various postural imbalances and complaints reported by these clients. The hands-on portion will involve demonstration of techniques applicable to various complaints and disease progression. Therapists will leave this class with the ability to design effective, safe and therapeutic treatment plans
Apr 22nd, 2025
Tuition: $400
Early Bird: $364 (by Feb 25th)
Single Day Price: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-12 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
SERIESB: Apr 22, May 20, Jun 24
The Practicum Series or Clinic provides students the opportunity to practice techniques from the DOJO or 101 Series. Each class starts with an evaluation where a treatment strategy is developed to address the issues from the student/client’s chief complaint and a tailored session is presented for students to practice.
Apr 26, 2025
Tuition: $320
Early Bird: $250 (Registration by 3/26)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Oncology Massage or Equivalent
Time: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
8 CE hours (NCBTMB/NYS certified)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Oncology Massage (or equivalent)
Instructor: Ericka Clinton, BS, LMT
This class will introduce therapists to gynecological cancers as well as the depth and breadth of the benefit of bodywork for clients who are being treated for these cancers.
The day will include lecture where we will identify and discuss the types of gynecological cancers, standard approaches to treatment and the physical/emotional repercussions of treatment. In addition we will describe in detail the various postural imbalances and complaints reported by these clients. The hands-on portion will involve demonstration of techniques applicable to various complaints and disease progression.
Therapists will leave this class with the ability to design effective, safe and therapeutic treatment plans.
May 6th 2025
Tuition: $150
Early Bird $136.50 (by Apr 6)
Instructor: Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-4 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
4-class Series: Jan 21, Mar 4, Apr 15, May 6
Sen - Sumana - Nantakawat – Kitcha is mainly concerned with the frontal line and abdominal massage but there is more to discover as well. In this 4-part series we will explore working with the 10 primary Sen of the Thai medicine healing system. The Series provides 16 CEs but you should consider our single day ticket option if you are not able to complete the whole thing.
May 13th, 2025
Tuition: $750
Early Bird: $682.50 (by Apr 13th)
Single Day Price: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-20 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
5-class Series: Jan 14, Feb, 11, Mar 18, Apr 8, May 13
Dojo I Dojo (道場 dōjō) is a Japanese term meaning “place of the way.” This series of 5 classes held on the second Tuesday of each month provides ample time to thoroughly practice the moves that are introduced in the Thai 101 program and introduce options that are not covered in the basic 101 curriculum. This is a 5-day course offering 20 CEs.
Dojo classes include theory and discussion topics, including mindset and intention, Thai culture, and the rich history associated with the art of Thai massage. The demos include detailed explanations with ample time to both practice and receive the work and time for feedback before moving on. Healthy ergonomics are an important focus for both the practitioner and the receiver throughout.
Each 4-hour lesson is a stand-alone class, and can be taken individually using our single day ticket option for $150 or collectively. Participants are encouraged to attend one or more classes, but are required to complete all of the 5 lessons in order to earn 20 CEs. Dojo I includes lessons in supine, side-lying, inverted and seated positions.
PRACTICUM: Our Core Program offers an additional 12 CE Practicum Hours which can be obtained concurrently or completed at a later time. Just bring your workbook with you and point out what you would like us to review.
May 17, 2025
Tuition: $240
Early Bird Tuition: $215 (Registration by 4/17)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Oncology Massage or Equivalent
Time: 10am-5pm
6 CE hours (NCBTMB/NY Certified)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Oncology Massage (or equivalent)
Instructor: Michael Alicia, LMT
This continuing education course is designed to review the concepts of ethical standards, professional behavior, and acknowledgement of boundaries for the patient with cancer in the therapeutic setting of home, hospital and hospice.
Major topics include: basics of ethics in healthcare, morality, virtues, client rights, practitioner responsibility, confidentiality, privacy, managing boundaries, transference, dual relationships, nondiscrimination, and cultural sensitivity
May 18th, 2025
Single Class Tuition: $200
2-class Package: $350
Time: 9am-5pm
7 CE hours (NCBTMB/NY Certified)
Instructor: Richard Condon, LMT
(Normal 2: June 8, 2025)
Normal Function techniques emphasize secondary movements at joints as a means of normalizing minutia of function after local soft tissue work. Strictly speaking, secondary movements are vital, minute, and invisible components of larger, visible movements that prevent undue wear and tear on joint structures. In the context of this curriculum, the term “secondary movement” is expanded to include any smaller movement that ideally accompanies a larger movement, for longevity of joint health. Examples of secondary motion are the screw home mechanism (external tibial rotation with terminal knee extension), or pronation of the foot with internal hip rotation, in a closed-chain environment.
Normal Function techniques can be used for assessment, to “oil” a joint for smoother performance, or to boost therapeutic potency at targeted areas. Most Normal Function Techniques are easy to apply, and can be unobtrusively peppered into your existing bodywork repertoire.
May 27th, 2025
Tuition: $225
Early Bird: $204.75 (by Apr 27th)
Single Day Price: $112.5
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-6 CEs
Time: 9am – 12pm
This series consists of two 3-hour classes offering 6 CEs, presenting techniques and theory for practitioners who intend to specialize in Thai Massage. In this course, the student will learn Thai Herbal Compress theory and many methods using traditional herbs, a steamer and a massage mat on the floor. This course offers an opportunity to expand the work you already do with the customer in supine, side-lying, and seated positions, offering a therapist a unique system to enhance the therapeutic value of treatments and reduce the demand on your hands at the same time.
This course allows students to add to their knowledge of self-care, participate in discussions, and pair up with classmates for practical application, both giving and receiving and providing and receiving feedback for each other each day.
May 31 - Jun 1, 2025
Tuition: $560
Early Bird Tuition: $450 (Registration by 4/31)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Oncology Massage or Equivalent
Time: 10am-6pm
7 (14) CEs (7 additional pending)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Oncology Massage (or equivalent)
Instructor: Kimberlie, Wilson, DACM, LAc
This class is designed to introduce students to the basic framework of the nature of cancer, from both a Classical Chinese Medical and Allopathic perspective. Students will learn evaluation techniques, based on simple pulse, palpation, and intake questions. Students will learn tui na protocols, based on the most common signs and symptoms of cancer and its allopathic treatments
May 20th, 2025
Tuition: $400
Early Bird: $364 (by Apr 20th)
Single Day Price: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-12 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
Series B: Apr 22, May 20, Jun 24
The Practicum Series or Clinic provides students the opportunity to practice techniques from the DOJO or 101 Series. Each class starts with an evaluation where a treatment strategy is developed to address the issues from the student/client’s chief complaint and a tailored session is presented for students to practice.
June 3rd, 2025
Tuition: $225
Early Bird: $204.75 (by May 3)
Single Day Price: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-6 CEs
Time: 9am – 12pm
This series consists of two 3-hour classes offering 6 CEs, presenting techniques and theory for practitioners who intend to specialize in Thai Massage. In this course, the student will learn Thai Herbal Compress theory and many methods using traditional herbs, a steamer and a massage mat on the floor. This course offers an opportunity to expand the work you already do with the customer in supine, side-lying, and seated positions, offering a therapist a unique system to enhance the therapeutic value of treatments and reduce the demand on your hands at the same time.
This course allows students to add to their knowledge of self-care, participate in discussions, and pair up with classmates for practical application, both giving and receiving and providing and receiving feedback for each other each day
June 8th 2025
Single Class Tuition: $200
2-class Package: $350
Time: 9am-5pm
7 CE hours (NCBTMB/NY Certified)
Instructor: Richard Condon, LMT
Normal Function techniques emphasize secondary movements at joints as a means of normalizing minutia of function after local soft tissue work. Strictly speaking, secondary movements are vital, minute, and invisible components of larger, visible movements that prevent undue wear and tear on joint structures. In the context of this curriculum, the term “secondary movement” is expanded to include any smaller movement that ideally accompanies a larger movement, for longevity of joint health. Examples of secondary motion are the screw home mechanism (external tibial rotation with terminal knee extension), or pronation of the foot with internal hip rotation, in a closed-chain environment.
Normal Function techniques can be used for assessment, to “oil” a joint for smoother performance, or to boost therapeutic potency at targeted areas. Most Normal Function Techniques are easy to apply, and can be unobtrusively peppered into your existing bodywork repertoire.
Jun 21-22, 2025
Single Class Tuition: $480
Early Bird Tuition: $380: (Registration by 5/21)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Oncology Massage or Equivalent
Time: 10am-5pm
12 CEs (NCBTMB/NY Certified)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Oncology Massage (or equivalent)
Instructor: Ericka Clinton, BS, LMT
This class is designed to guide massage therapists through the critical thought process needed to offer safe and effective touch therapy to clients with breast cancer.
Through lecture and discussion, participants will receive an overview of the basic pathophysiology of breast cancer, including the concepts of disease progression and staging. Lecture material will include identifying the types of breast cancer, standard treatment approaches, and the physical/emotional impact of a breast cancer diagnosis and its treatment. Discussion will include identifying postural imbalances and common complaints post diagnosis, surgery, radiation treatment, and more. Discussion will also include the interdisciplinary team approach to care. Hands-on instruction and practice will focus on palpation, assessment, and massage techniques for addressing the muscles and fascia of the targeted area in a focused and specific way. Therapists will learn how to help clients restructure their holding patterns to generate pain relief, fluidity, and ease of movement.
Therapists will leave the class with tools to critically think through all the information provided by the client and design a safe, effective, therapeutic massage treatment.
This course is appropriate for licensed massage therapists who are considering entering the field of oncology massage, whether in a paid hospital-based position or a volunteer capacity. It is also designed to help support LMTs in private practice who may encounter serious breast cancer-related issues in the course of working with clients.
June 24th, 2025
Tuition: $400
Early Bird: $364 (by May 24th)
Single Day Price: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-12 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
Series B: Apr 22, May 20, Jun 24
The Practicum Series or Clinic provides students the opportunity to practice techniques from the DOJO or 101 Series. Each class starts with an evaluation where a treatment strategy is developed to address the issues from the student/client’s chief complaint and a tailored session is presented for students to practice.
June 28th - 29th, 2025
Tuition: $600
Early Bird: $544.50 (by May 28th)
Nephyr Jacobsen
NCBTMB Approved-12 CEs
Time: 10am – 5pm
This two day class is designed to teach massage therapists traditional Thai practices during pregnancy and postpartum time, making sure that students understand the common and variable course of the pregnancy and postpartum experience and how to best safely care for pregnant and postpartum clients. We will learn how to adapt Thai hot herbal compresses for safety during pregnancy and why standard Thai massage routines are not designed for the birthing time of life as we replace them with techniques specific to pre and post natal bodies.
Jul 13, 2025
Single Class Tuition: $320
Early Bird Tuition: $250 (Registration by 6/13)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Oncology Massage or Equivalent
Time: 9:00 am -6:00 pm
8 CE hours (NCBTMB/NYS certified)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Oncology Massage (or equivalent)
Instructor: Ericka Clinton, BS, LMT
This class introduces massage therapists to cancers of the brain, head and neck. We will cover basic pathology information as well as the depth and breadth of the benefit of bodywork for clients with these cancers.
The day will include a lecture where we will identify and discuss the types of cancers (including oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, salivary glands, sinuses), standard approaches to treatment, and the physical/emotional repercussions of treatment. We will also describe in detail the various postural imbalances and complaints reported by these clients.
The hands-on portion will involve demonstration of techniques applicable to various complaints and disease progression and time for students to practice. Specific muscle palpation, assessment, and techniques such as myofascial release, muscle stripping and trigger point therapy will be the focus of the hands-on work. The class will include a review of the MLD protocol from the Lymphedema class. Therapists will leave this class with the ability to design effective, safe and therapeutic treatment plans.
Jul 15th, 2025
Tuition: $750
Early Bird: $682.50 (by June 15th)
Single Day Price: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-20 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
5-class Series: Jul 15, Aug 12, Sep 9, Oct 14, Nov 11
Dojo II offers full body lessons in prone, inverted, seated, and additional side lying protocols along with discussion topics including Intention, Sen, Technique, Body mechanics, Assessment, Potential, Energy, Flow, Time, management, Mastery of Craft. This is a 5-day course offering 20 CEs.
PRACTICUM: Our Core Program an additional 12 CE Practicum Hours which can be obtained concurrently or completed at a later time. Just bring your workbook with you and point out what you would like us to review
July 22th, 2025
Tuition: $400
Early Bird: $364 (by Jun 22nd)
Single Day Price: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-12 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
Series C: Jul 22, Aug 26, Sep 2
The Practicum Series or Clinic provides students the opportunity to practice techniques from the DOJO or 101 Series. Each class starts with an evaluation where a treatment strategy is developed to address the issues from the student/client’s chief complaint and a tailored session is presented for students to practice
Jul 27, 2025
Tuition: $240
Early Bird Tuition: $215 (Registration by 6/27)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Oncology Massage or Equivalen
Time: 10am-5pm
6 CE hours (NCBTMB/NY Certified)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Oncology Massage (or equivalent)
Instructor: Ericka Clinton, BS, LMT
This class describes the processes of inflammation and tissue repair in normal wound healing and examines complications of healing such as fibrosis, delayed healing, and lymphedema, resulting from cancer treatment. Participants will review patient intake, design treatment strategies to address scar tissue and/or fibrosis, and learn and practice hands-on techniques designed to dis-adhere tissues and improve tissue pliability in postoperative cancer patients.
Students will demonstrate proficiency in the following hands-on techniques: multidirectional friction, skin rolling/lifting strokes, active and passive myofascial release techniques, positional release, and passive stretching.
Students will practice designing and implementing hands-on massage sessions targeting scar tissue for patients with a history of surgery to the trunk wall, abdomen or pelvis, head/neck, or extremities.
We will also practice and discuss positioning options for patients with scar tissue or the trunk, head/neck, abdomen, and/or pelvis. Students will learn to list and describe the four stages of inflammation and tissue repair and the types of hands-on therapies appropriate at wound sites during each stage; to define fibrosis and describe its causes and consequences; to describe radiation therapy and the differences between external and internal RT; to recognize indications and contraindications for touch therapy at RT sites; to list conditions that delay tissue healing including lymphedema, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, infection, and implanted hardware, and describe the way that each can impact a massage therapy session; to describe the anatomical effects of common cancer surgeries; to ask questions specific to cancer patients with a history of surgery.
Aug 2-3, 2025
Tuition: $480
Early Bird Tuition: $380 (Registration by 7/2)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Oncology Massage or Equivalent
Time: 10amTuition: $480
Early Bird Tuition: $380 (Registration by 7/2)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Oncology Massage or Equivalent-5pm
12 CE hours (NCBTMB/NY Certified)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Oncology Massage (or equivalent)
Instructor: Craig Kienzle, LMT, AOS, ARCB
This course examines the basic theory and techniques of foot Reflexology and how this can benefit clients with cancer. Topics will include the following:
A review of the anatomy of the feet
What is Reflexology and how it works
The history of Reflexology
The general benefits of Reflexology with emphasis on stress reduction
The role stress plays in cancer
How Reflexology/Foot Massage reduces stress
The value and benefits of stress reduction in cancer patients through Reflexology
An overview of the reflexes and referral patterns of the feet
Zone Therapy
The goal of this course is to learn foot massage techniques that have a basis in Reflexology and be able to apply those techniques to the various types of cancer a client may have to help reduce stress and relieve pain. Often clients will respond to reflexology with renewed strength and energy and see an improvement in their natural vitality. Reflexology can speed up recovery from major surgery and make the recovery process itself more bearable.
The aim is to provide therapists with new techniques for working on clients when you cannot utilize
other massage techniques on the body. These techniques can also be incorporated into any style of
bodywork as well.
Aug 12th, 2025
Tuition: $750
Early Bird: $682.50 (by Jul 12th)
Single Day Class: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-20 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
5-class Series: Jul 15, Aug 12, Sep 9, Oct 14, Nov 11
5-class Series: Jul 15, Aug 12, Sep 9, Oct 14, Nov 11
Dojo II offers full body lessons in prone, inverted, seated, and additional side lying protocols along with discussion topics including Intention, Sen, Technique, Body mechanics, Assessment, Potential, Energy, Flow, Time, management, Mastery of Craft. This is a 5-day course offering 20 CEs.
PRACTICUM: Our Core Program an additional 12 CE Practicum Hours which can be obtained concurrently or completed at a later time. Just bring your workbook with you and point out what you would like us to review.
Aug 23-24, 2025
Tuition: $480
Early Bird Tuition: $380 (Registration by 7/23)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Oncology Massage or Equivalent
Time: 10am-5pm
Lecture/Hands – On
12 CE hours (NCBTMB/NY Certified)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Oncology Massage (or equivalent)
Instructor: Michael Alicia, LMT
Day one of this course is designed to explore the concept of empathy and the role it plays in working with cancer patients. Through lecture, discussion and example, students will explore the role boundaries play in maintaining a healthy, safe and compassion-led work environment.
Day two of this course is designed to prepare massage therapist with specialized training the ability to offer informed and compassionate end-of-life support for clients and their caregivers.
Coordination with multiple partners in the care team is emphasized within development of a care plan. Lecture and discussion will acquaint students with an overview of end-of-life as it is delivered in the United States, including definitions of palliative care, end-of-life and hospice, the interdisciplinary team approach to care, and stages of dying.
Approaches to hands-on work for clients at end-of-life will be demonstrated, including session intention, session length, modified techniques and precautions.
At the end of the course, students will be able to discuss and compassionately set healthy boundaries, discuss understanding of palliative/supportive care, end-of-life and hospice, understand the roles of the interdisciplinary team, and demonstrate skill in developing a treatment plan with consideration of the setting.
Students will learn:
The importance empathy plays in working with cancer clients and the adverse effects when it is not a consideration in the overall cancer journey, including end-of-life
The importance of setting clear boundaries for working with the cancer population
Discuss feelings, values, attitudes and expectations on the topic of cancer, death, grief within the context of individual, family, cultural and spiritual beliefs and traditions
Verbalize experiences of personal loss, suffering, grief and bereavement in developing appropriate professional boundaries around own experiences
Understand ways to communicate effectively and with sensitivity with clients and families
Describe basic principles regarding a multi-dimensional care model including, physical, emotional, social, psychological and spiritual needs
Differentiate between palliative/supportive care, end-of-life and hospice
Describe the stages of dying using clinical terminology
Acknowledge end-of-life signs and symptoms to identify appropriate measures to alleviate suffering
Verbalize the usefulness of touch therapies as a palliative/supportive care intervention to the interdisciplinary team
Demonstrate skill in developing a plan for end-of-life touch therapy needs within a variety of settings to participate in the coordination of care
Demonstrate skill in developing a plan for end-of-life touch therapy needs within a variety of settings to participate in the coordination of care
Aug 26th, 2025
Tuition: $400
Early Bird: $364 (by Jul 26th)
Single Day Price: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-12 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
Series C: Jul 22, Aug 26, Sep 2
The Practicum Series or Clinic provides students the opportunity to practice techniques from the DOJO or 101 Series. Each class starts with an evaluation where a treatment strategy is developed to address the issues from the student/client’s chief complaint and a tailored session is presented for students to practice.
Sep 2nd, 2025
Tuition: $400
Early Bird: $364 (by Aug 2nd)
Single Day Price: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-12 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
Series C: Jul 22, Aug 26, Sep 2
The Practicum Series or Clinic provides students the opportunity to practice techniques from the DOJO or 101 Series. Each class starts with an evaluation where a treatment strategy is developed to address the issues from the student/client’s chief complaint and a tailored session is presented for students to practice.
Sept 6th, 2025
Tuition included in FULL Program Tuition
Eric Reinhold, LMT
Michael Alicia, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-20 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
Dojo II offers full-body lessons in prone, inverted (prone), a section on twisting, seated, and additional discussion topics including Intention, sen, technique, body mechanics, assessment, potential, energy, flow, time management, and mastery of craft. This is a 5-day course offering 20 CEs.
PRACTICUM: Core Program Certificates require an additional 12 CE Practicum Hours
Sep 9th, 2025
Tuition: $750
Early Bird: $682.50 (by Aug 9th)
Single Day Class: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-20 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
5-class Series: Jul 15, Aug 12, Sep 9, Oct 14, Nov 11
Dojo II offers full body lessons in prone, inverted, seated, and additional side lying protocols along with discussion topics including Intention, Sen, Technique, Body mechanics, Assessment, Potential, Energy, Flow, Time, management, Mastery of Craft. This is a 5-day course offering 20 CEs.
PRACTICUM: Our Core Program an additional 12 CE Practicum Hours which can be obtained concurrently or completed at a later time. Just bring your workbook with you and point out what you would like us to review.
Sep 16th, 2025
Tuition: $600
Early Bird: $546.00 (by Aug 16th)
Single Day Class: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-16 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
4-class Series: Sep 16, Sep 23, Sep 30, Oct 7
Thai Massage offers massage therapists and their clients an alternative approach to massage using popular stretching and yoga-like postures in a rhythmic meditative method influenced by Ayurvedic Medicine while organizing a vast collection of massage techniques along the energy pathways within the body similar to Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Thai Massage 101 is 16 CE course introducing the fundamental theory of traditional Thai massage and protocols for LMTs at all levels of experience. Students pair up and take turns practicing with the instructor, allowing time to practice and receive the work of each lesson.
As an alternative to the full 4-part series, students may attend a single 4 hr. class $150 with the opportunity to earn 16CEs upon completion of all 4 classes in the series.
PRACTICUM: Our Core Program offers an additional 12 CE Practicum Hours which can be obtained concurrently or completed at a later time. Just bring your workbook with you and point out what you would like us to review.
Sep 23rd, 2025
Tuition: $600
Early Bird: $546.00 (by Aug 23rd)
Single Day Class: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-16 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
4-class Series: Sep 16, Sep 23, Sep 30, Oct 7
Thai Massage offers massage therapists and their clients an alternative approach to massage using popular stretching and yoga-like postures in a rhythmic meditative method influenced by Ayurvedic Medicine while organizing a vast collection of massage techniques along the energy pathways within the body similar to Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Thai Massage 101 is 16 CE course introducing the fundamental theory of traditional Thai massage and protocols for LMTs at all levels of experience. Students pair up and take turns practicing with the instructor, allowing time to practice and receive the work of each lesson.
As an alternative to the full 4-part series, students may attend a single 4 hr. class $150 with the opportunity to earn 16CEs upon completion of all 4 classes in the series.
PRACTICUM: Our Core Program offers an additional 12 CE Practicum Hours which can be obtained concurrently or completed at a later time. Just bring your workbook with you and point out what you would like us to review
Sep 27th, 2025
Tuition: $640
Early Bird Tuition: $500 (by Aug 27th)
This is a 2-day class.
Susanrachel Condon, DM, CCCE, LMT, LM
NCBTMB Approved-16 CEs
Time: 9am – 6pm
This class emphasizes the anatomy and physiology of pregnancy, the use of bodywork as an appropriate adjunct to prenatal care, and using massage as a means of developing deeper kinesthetic awareness in preparation for labor, birth, and postpartum recovery.
We begin with a review of systems through the lens of pregnancy physiology and structural change. Contraindications, benefits and the goals of bodywork during pregnancy are discussed in detail.
An overview of emotional milestones during the three trimesters of pregnancy and corresponding obstetrical or midwifery care will be discussed in depth so participants will have a deeper understanding of the contemporary experience of pregnancy. Ethics and the role of the massage therapist will be discussed in this context.
Distinguishing between common discomforts and concerns which require consultation with clinicians will be discussed. Structural assessment of the client, history-taking and a detailed demonstration will be used to emphasize working with areas of tension and myofascial restrictions commonly associated with pregnancy.
Sep 28th, 2025
Tuition: $640
Early Bird: $500 (by Aug 28th)
This is a 2-day class
Susanrachel Condon, DM, CCCE, LMT, LM
NCBTMB Approved-16 CEs
Time: 9am – 6pm
Participants will learn and practice setting up the massage table and draping the client appropriately with optimal bolstering for each trimester of pregnancy.
Swedish, deep tissue and kinetic myofascial mobilization techniques will be demonstrated and practiced. In separate, gently-paced labs, each student will have the opportunity to practice setting up the table and doing demonstrated basic and advanced techniques with another student. In the final lab, students will have generous, supervised practice time in the clinic with two pregnant volunteers.
Marketing and networking in this specialty will be discussed in depth.
Sep 30th, 2025
Tuition: $600
Early Bird: $546.00 (by Aug 30th)
Single Day Class: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-16 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
4-class Series: Sep 16, Sep 23, Sep 30, Oct 7
Thai Massage offers massage therapists and their clients an alternative approach to massage using popular stretching and yoga-like postures in a rhythmic meditative method influenced by Ayurvedic Medicine while organizing a vast collection of massage techniques along the energy pathways within the body similar to Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Thai Massage 101 is 16 CE course introducing the fundamental theory of traditional Thai massage and protocols for LMTs at all levels of experience. Students pair up and take turns practicing with the instructor, allowing time to practice and receive the work of each lesson.
As an alternative to the full 4-part series, students may attend a single 4 hr. class $150 with the opportunity to earn 16CEs upon completion of all 4 classes in the series.
PRACTICUM: Our Core Program offers an additional 12 CE Practicum Hours which can be obtained concurrently or completed at a later time. Just bring your workbook with you and point out what you would like us to review.
September 6th - 7th, 2025
Tuition: $600
Early Bird: $544.50 (by Aug 6th)
Instructor: Nephyr Jacobsen
NCBTMB Approved-12 CEs
Time: 10am – 5pm
This class looks at tools that are common aides in traditional Thai bodywork including balms and liniments (i.e. Tiger Balm), pao-ka-ma scarf work, khood, or “coining” (like a gentle form of the Chinese gua sha, or the western Graston therapy), and warm herbal compresses as used in a Thai massage practice..
Oct 5th, 2025
Tuition: $600
Early Bird: $546.00 (by Sep 25th)
Single Day Class: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
Michael Alicia, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-16 CEs
Time: 9am – 6pm
2-class Series: Oct 5, Oct 12th
This Series consists of two, 8-hour classes offering 16 CEs.Table Thai offers the massage therapist who might have physical limitations or limited space, an alternative to practicing on the floor and for giving fatigued hands, thumbs, and minds a break from their typical massage regimen. Thai techniques can be incorporated into traditional Swedish massage or stand alone as a full-body massage session. In this 16-hour class, we will demonstrate techniques in supine, prone, seated, and side-lying positions for performing a comprehensive full-body session.
Full Program Certificates require an additional 12 CE Practicum Hours.
Oct 7th, 2025
Tuition: $600
Early Bird: $546.00 (by Sep 7th)
Single Day Class: $150
Thai 101 (4 OF 4)Instructors:
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-16 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
4-class Series: Sep 16, Sep 23, Sep 30, Oct 7
Thai Massage offers massage therapists and their clients an alternative approach to massage using popular stretching and yoga-like postures in a rhythmic meditative method influenced by Ayurvedic Medicine while organizing a vast collection of massage techniques along the energy pathways within the body similar to Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Thai Massage 101 is 16 CE course introducing the fundamental theory of traditional Thai massage and protocols for LMTs at all levels of experience. Students pair up and take turns practicing with the instructor, allowing time to practice and receive the work of each lesson.
As an alternative to the full 4-part series, students may attend a single 4 hr. class $150 with the opportunity to earn 16CEs upon completion of all 4 classes in the series.
PRACTICUM: Our Core Program offers an additional 12 CE Practicum Hours which can be obtained concurrently or completed at a later time. Just bring your workbook with you and point out what you would like us to review.
Oct 12th, 2025
Tuition: $600
Early Bird: $546.00 (by Sep 12th)
Single Day Class: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
Michael Alicia, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-16 CEs
Time: 9am – 6pm
2-class Series: Oct 5, Oct 12th
This Series consists of two, 8-hour classes offering 16 CEs.Table Thai offers the massage therapist who might have physical limitations or limited space, an alternative to practicing on the floor and for giving fatigued hands, thumbs, and minds a break from their typical massage regimen. Thai techniques can be incorporated into traditional Swedish massage or stand alone as a full-body massage session. In this 16-hour class, we will demonstrate techniques in supine, prone, seated, and side-lying positions for performing a comprehensive full-body session.
Full Program Certificates require an additional 12 CE Practicum Hours.
Oct 14th, 2025
Tuition: $750
Early Bird: $682.50 (by Sep 14th)
Single Day Class: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-20 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
5-class Series: Jul 15, Aug 12, Sep 9, Oct 14, Nov 11
Dojo II offers full body lessons in prone, inverted, seated, and additional side lying protocols along with discussion topics including Intention, Sen, Technique, Body mechanics, Assessment, Potential, Energy, Flow, Time, management, Mastery of Craft. This is a 5-day course offering 20 CEs.
PRACTICUM: Our Core Program an additional 12 CE Practicum Hours which can be obtained concurrently or completed at a later time. Just bring your workbook with you and point out what you would like us to review
Oct 21st, 2025
Tuition: $400
Early Bird: $364 (by Sep 21st)
Single Day Price: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-12 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
Series D: Oct 21, Nov 4, Nov 25
The Table Thai Practicum Series or Clinic provides students the opportunity to practice techniques from the Table Thai class. Each class starts with an evaluation where a treatment strategy is developed to address the issues from the student/client’s chief complaint and a tailored session is presented for students to practice. Three Practicum classes are required to earn 12 CEs
Oct 25th - 26th, 2025
Tuition: $560.00
Early Bird: $450.00 (by Sep 25th)
Susanrachel Condon, DM, CCCE, LMT, LM
NCBTMB Approved-14 CEs
Time: 9am – 5pm
Part 1: This class begins with an in-depth exploration of the current maternity care crisis, racial disparities, and the role and impact of the labor companion. Anatomy and physiology, the stages of labor, and complications of labor and birth are covered in depth. Students will be introduced to ethics pertaining to care in the perinatal setting and principles of appropriate, respectful care. We will review medical interventions and their impact on the experience of the family in detail.
Part 2: This class provides an overview of innovative, hands-on skills for labor companions, introducing massage techniques, position changes, heat and cold applications, counterpressure, shiatsu points, aromatherapy, and practicing labor simulations. We will demonstrate and practice the techniques in a variety of common positions which facilitate progress in labor. Emphasis will be on methods to enhance comfort and encourage optimal positioning of babies. Use of safe body mechanics to avoid injury will be highlighted. In addition to learning hands-on techniques and other comfort measures, participants will discuss challenging birth situations, self-care, and business development. Participants may embark upon this adventure whether or not they are planning to pursue certification and/or further training.
Wear comfortable clothes, bring 3 pillows for bolstering.
Nov 4th, 2025
Tuition: $400
Early Bird: $364 (by Oct 4th)
Single Day Price: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-12 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
Series D: Oct 21, Nov 4, Nov 25
The Table Thai Practicum Series or Clinic provides students the opportunity to practice techniques from the Table Thai class. Each class starts with an evaluation where a treatment strategy is developed to address the issues from the student/client’s chief complaint and a tailored session is presented for students to practice. Three Practicum classes are required to earn 12 CEs
Nov 8th, 2025
Tuition: $280.00
Early Bird: $225.00 (by Oct 8th)
Susanrachel Condon, DM, CCCE, LMT, LM
NCBTMB Approved-7 CEs
Time: 9am – 5pm
This workshop is for bodyworkers and childbirth professionals who wish to further their understanding and skills for the postnatal period. We will explore postpartum physiologic changes which occur from immediately after birth until three months. Body mechanics, stretches, exercises and hands-on techniques will be explored and practiced. The impact of continuity of care in reducing postnatal depression and fostering confidence and effective attachment between parent and infant will be emphasized.
Nov 9th, 2025
Tuition: $320.00
Early Bird: $250.00 (by Oct 9th)
Susanrachel Condon, DM, CCCE, LMT, LM
NCBTMB Approved-8 CEs
Time: 9am – 6pm
This hands-on class is for professionals who want to take the mystery out of breast health and disease. We will cover: breast anatomy - the relationship of breast tissue to surrounding musculo-skeletal structures and lymphatic drainage of the chest wall, physiology of lactation, healthy variations in breast tissue, skin lesions, fibrocystic breast tissue, cysts, breast pathology & surgery, identifying characteristics of breast cancer, fine needle aspiration, biopsy, lumpectomy, mastectomy, breast reconstruction, breast reduction and implants, indications for therapeutic breast massage, obtaining informed consent for breast massage, performing breast massage and teaching clients how to perform empowering self-breast exams. Participants are expected to practice and receive work as demonstrated under supervision by the instructor.
Nov 11th, 2025
Tuition: $750
Early Bird: $682.50 (by Sep 14th)
Single Day Class: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-20 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
5-class Series: Jul 15, Aug 12, Sep 9, Oct 14, Nov 11
Dojo II offers full body lessons in prone, inverted, seated, and additional side lying protocols along with discussion topics including Intention, Sen, Technique, Body mechanics, Assessment, Potential, Energy, Flow, Time, management, Mastery of Craft. This is a 5-day course offering 20 CEs.
PRACTICUM: Our Core Program an additional 12 CE Practicum Hours which can be obtained concurrently or completed at a later time. Just bring your workbook with you and point out what you would like us to review.
Nov 18th, 2025
Tuition: $150
Early Bird: $136.50 (by Oct 18th)
Series: $600
Series Early Bird: $546 (by Oct 18th)
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-4 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
The SEN Series is a 4-class series: (Nov 18, Dec 2, Dec 9, Dec 16)
Sen Kalathari is a part of the Sen Series. In this 4-part series we will explore working with the 10 primary Sen of the Thai medicine healing system. This Series provides 16 CEs
Nov 25th, 2025
Tuition: $400
Early Bird: $364 (by Oct 25th)
Single Day Price: $150
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-12 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
Series D: Oct 21, Nov 4, Nov 25
The Table Thai Practicum Series or Clinic provides students the opportunity to practice techniques from the Table Thai class. Each class starts with an evaluation where a treatment strategy is developed to address the issues from the student/client’s chief complaint and a tailored session is presented for students to practice. Three Practicum classes are required to earn 12 CEs
Dec 2nd, 2025
Tuition: $150
Early Bird: $136.50 (by Nov 2nd)
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-4 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
The SEN Series is a 4-class series: (Nov 18, Dec 2, Dec 9, Dec 16)
Sen - Sumana - Nantakawat – Kitcha is a part of the Sen Series. In this 4-part series we will explore working with the 10 primary Sen of the Thai medicine healing system. This Series provides 16 CEs.
Dec 9th, 2025
Tuition: $150
Early Bird: $136.50 (by Nov 9th)
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-4 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
The SEN Series is a 4-class series: (Nov 18, Dec 2, Dec 9, Dec 16)
Sen - Lawusang/Ulanga - Sahatarangsi/Tawari is a part of the Sen Series. In this 4-part series we will explore working with the 10 primary Sen of the Thai medicine healing system. This Series provides 16 CEs.
Dec 13-14, 2025
Tuition: $150.00
Early Bird: $120.00 (by Nov 13th)
Susanrachel Condon, DM, CCCE, LMT, LM
NCBTMB Approved-4 CEs
Time: 10am – 5pm
This workshop is for bodyworkers and childbirth professionals who want to learn basic infant massage techniques to teach to parents and caregivers. Following an overview of normal newborn appearance and reflexes, we will discuss procedures in the delivery room which may impact a baby’s need for and response to massage. Then we will review the needs and developmental changes of infants from immediately after birth through the first year. Massage will be demonstrated and participants will be expected to return demonstrate using a doll or stuffed animal with fully moveable limbs. Passive movement and rhythm patterning will also be demonstrated and practiced. A film will be shown and numerous handouts given.
Dec 16th, 2025
Tuition: $150
Early Bird: $136.50 (by Nov 16th)
Eric Reinhold, LMT
NCBTMB Approved-4 CEs
Time: 9am – 1pm
The SEN Series is a 4-class series: (Nov 18, Dec 2, Dec 9, Dec 16)
Sen - Itta/Pingala is a part of the Sen Series. In this 4-part series we will explore working with the 10 primary Sen of the Thai medicine healing system. This Series provides 16 CEs.
Lymphedema Awareness- LYMPH
Pharmacological Considerations ONC- PHARMA
Clinical Applications & Intake ONC- INTAKE
Massage for Gastrointestinal Cancer- GASTRO
Massage for gynecological cancer- GYNECO
Ethics, boundaries, professionalism ONC- ETHICS
Chinese medicine ONC Tui Na- TUINA
Massage for Breast Cancer- BREAST
Massage for Brain, Head, and Neck Cancer- BRAIN
Approaching scar tissue for cancer patient- SCAR
Reflexology foot massage for cancer patient- FOOT
Moves therapists love done to them- THAI1
Sen-Itta/Pingala- SEN
Shirt Route to Twist- TWIST
Sen- lawusang/ulanga- SEN1
Sen Sumana-nantakawata- SEN2
Luk Pra Kob Day- LUK
Dojo 2 (1 of 3)- DOJO21